Sunday, March 3, 2019

I'm Not Having To Do This Alone...

A lesson learned before, during, and in the days following the funeral, was that I did not have to do this alone.   These are some of my "Peeps".  In the midst of all the trials Daryl and I endured, this is family.  The picture just shows my immediate and extended family.  And not all of them were there.  Add to that neighbors, friends, church family, my work was and is amazing to have so many people come along side me, and Daryl and I while he was alive.  

I've heard people say I'm strong.  Well, I am discovering a very wimpy, excitable side of me that Daryl helped me keep grounded and in check.  I will say that the Lord is strong.  I will say that the strength of family and friends creates a strong base of support that I stand on.

I don't think I had to go more than 24 hours without a breakfast, lunch, or supper invitation of some sort for the first month.  I think one of the kids has contacted me every day to check on me. Mom and my sister check on me faithfully.  My neighbors text me if the van isn't parked in the driveway at normal hours. People at church joke about getting to say hello to me "before the line forms" of people who want to know how I am.

I am doing a study of what God's word says about the widow.  It's interesting to note that the widow, the orphan, and the sojourner are linked in most references to widows.  God has a lot to say about His protective heart toward these groups.  His care of me (often through His people) is deep and satisfying.  I truly am not alone.  

And I am so grateful.

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